Friday, December 3, 2010


The LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) is a series that comes on Hulu every wensday. I came upon it one day while i was waiting for dance practice. I was on youtube watching videos of my favorite dancer Madd Chadd. Hes one of the characters in the series. These are some posters of characters and scenes in the show. If you interested or like dance check it out on or

the current members of The LXD. Madd Chadd is the guy in the middle with the suit.

these guys are known as the Letter Makers. they are krumpers which is pretty good considering they play munkish characters.

this is a wallpaper design for the Hulu page. the man with the blue gloves is a character that goes under the name of The Dark Doctor.

these three guys are known as The Fan Boyz in the LXD.

this guy is cool, his characters name is elliot. in The LXD, his shoes move his body independent of his will.

Every show has its villians,these four hotties are known as the Tails. they are a small part of a greater evil.

this guy was in step up 2 and 3 so you might know him as Monster if you've seen the movies, if not id like to introduce Trevor. hes like the main character kinda sorta. hes a dope b-boy.

this guy is really cool because he taps. Copeland is his name in the LXD.

this just looks cool.

if you know anything about the dancing world you know this man, Casper, or Fangz as hes called in the LXD. in the show hes apart of the villian organization known as OX(Organization X).

another enemy of the LXD, the wave is a member of OX.

these guys work for The Dark Doctor. they are known as the Umbrellas.

another famous face, B-Boy Cloud. He plays The Illister, the OX's assasin.