Friday, December 3, 2010


The LXD (Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) is a series that comes on Hulu every wensday. I came upon it one day while i was waiting for dance practice. I was on youtube watching videos of my favorite dancer Madd Chadd. Hes one of the characters in the series. These are some posters of characters and scenes in the show. If you interested or like dance check it out on or

the current members of The LXD. Madd Chadd is the guy in the middle with the suit.

these guys are known as the Letter Makers. they are krumpers which is pretty good considering they play munkish characters.

this is a wallpaper design for the Hulu page. the man with the blue gloves is a character that goes under the name of The Dark Doctor.

these three guys are known as The Fan Boyz in the LXD.

this guy is cool, his characters name is elliot. in The LXD, his shoes move his body independent of his will.

Every show has its villians,these four hotties are known as the Tails. they are a small part of a greater evil.

this guy was in step up 2 and 3 so you might know him as Monster if you've seen the movies, if not id like to introduce Trevor. hes like the main character kinda sorta. hes a dope b-boy.

this guy is really cool because he taps. Copeland is his name in the LXD.

this just looks cool.

if you know anything about the dancing world you know this man, Casper, or Fangz as hes called in the LXD. in the show hes apart of the villian organization known as OX(Organization X).

another enemy of the LXD, the wave is a member of OX.

these guys work for The Dark Doctor. they are known as the Umbrellas.

another famous face, B-Boy Cloud. He plays The Illister, the OX's assasin.

Friday, November 19, 2010

shoes shoes good 4 the heart

DC's are my personal fav. i lov skate shoes in general. i think its really cheesy to put the word "shoe" on a shoe but the design aspect of the text makes me almost forget about that...almost.

color is a huge part of design, working with greedy carnival clothing has taught me that. black goes with anything, which is one of the reasons its my fav color, so does white. the shoe would have worked even if it was just black and white but the gold design on the sides seperate it from being like every other black and white shoes.

these are the coolest looking nikes ive ever seen. i dont really rock them but i like the checkered like pattern on the sides. im not really into high top shoes either but the design is cool.

Friday, November 5, 2010

out of the imagenation

half shark, half rhino, all dangerous. this is pretty cool and im glad they didnt give it gills.

this is really freaky but super cool. i remember a cartoon i use to watch as a little kid called street sharks.

looks like something you'd see in a sci-fi movie.

i like to stretch and play with the line between reality and pure fantacy. these pics i found on google are exactly what im talking about. the 1st pic is a rhino/shark thingy, the atonamy of the creature is pure fiction. if it was a real animal it would die or have complications because of the difference between the two animals enviernments, organs, and eating habits. however those rules don't apply when you draw or create things that no one has ever seen. the 2nd pic would also have issues because of the gills, which i thought was a huge mistake on the artist part, still looks cool, because when you put gills on a creature it automatically put it under water,so giving it legs would be pointless. but thats the beauty of imagenation. the car is gorgous to look at but again, its something you don't expect to see rolling down the street. fiction can be just as amazing as reality.

Friday, October 29, 2010


these are just some t-shirt designs i came up with for my dance crew, Abnormal Behavior. we started the crew last semester so we're new born new. we are a huge family and we have alot of skill and talent. you might see three or all of us around dccc campus doing our thang lol. we love to preform. 

Friday, October 22, 2010


in middle school i decided i wanted to be a concept artist and i started with animalistic creatures like this.

i beleave this is charcoal or water color. werewolves are hard to do cause they all look the same so coming up with your own "trademark" werewolf is a difficult task.

this is a sculpture. its amazing. great craftsmanship and the emotion of the rabbit is breathe taking.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Back n time

rusty and big guy has always been a personal fav of mine, mostly cause i remember it.

i lov the old skool look, combined with (at the time) new skool feel.

astro boy is another fav of mine.

from the movie,the look and feel of astro in this movie was astro boy but it carried this new age feel with it.

sailor moon was one of my regularly watched animes when i was growing up.

card captors was one of my 1st animes i got into,that was forever ago.

i hate batman but my lov for old skool japanese anime over rules that.

this is real anime at its best. note how sleek everything is. all the motions are exadurated and kinda nerdy but i love it!!!

new skool!!! sasuke uchiha, new skool is completely dif from old skool.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thai Art

I personally hav trouble with putting or overloading works of art but i think this does that and it works.

Elephants are very respected and even worshiped in Thailand.


Even the buildings are amazing.