Friday, October 15, 2010

Back n time

rusty and big guy has always been a personal fav of mine, mostly cause i remember it.

i lov the old skool look, combined with (at the time) new skool feel.

astro boy is another fav of mine.

from the movie,the look and feel of astro in this movie was astro boy but it carried this new age feel with it.

sailor moon was one of my regularly watched animes when i was growing up.

card captors was one of my 1st animes i got into,that was forever ago.

i hate batman but my lov for old skool japanese anime over rules that.

this is real anime at its best. note how sleek everything is. all the motions are exadurated and kinda nerdy but i love it!!!

new skool!!! sasuke uchiha, new skool is completely dif from old skool.

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