Friday, September 24, 2010

Ground 0

Mass Effect was a amazing game,mainly because of its massive and lively landscapes. Ive played it a billion times so i know this area well. This completed concept sketch does a great job of capturing the wild liveliness of the area.

This is my dream at work!!! This is the inking process of concept art.

Again,ive played Halo Wars (i have alot of free time) so i know this area. This was done in digital paint, eat that pastel and oils,etc.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Marvel Giants

Everyone knows about the Hulks rampage after returning from his solitude in space,in Planet Hulk,Civil War arc.
Wolverine sure does ;)

Ironman has always been my personal favorite super hero. Especially after he spanks Cyclops.

Wolverine is redic.

Friday, September 10, 2010

what makes a great graphic t?


What exactly are people looking for when they buy a graphic t ? Is it witty comments or references? Or is it the actual design itself ?
